Wiki source code of Actions Overview

Last modified by MasterApps Support on 2021/06/18 02:08

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1 **Injury Master** allows the assigning of **Actions** – tasks created from the system requiring completion by a person responsible. Actions are completely customisable, allowing the assigning of any tasks such as sending documents, completing filenotes, having conversations relevant contacts, etc.
3 [[image:Attachments.WebHome@mceclip1.6a3ae.png||alt="mceclip1.png" style="max-width:578px"]]
5 Coloured tags identify the status and requirements for different actions. While custom tags can be attached to Notes / Actions, the following are auto tags for actions.
7 * **Pending Notification** – if action notification is yet to be sent
8 * **High Priority**
9 * **Due Date (Current / Overdue)**
10 * **Document Optional / Required** – if contact can upload document to complete action
11 * **Complete**
13 **[[image:Attachments.WebHome@mceclip2.34457.png||alt="mceclip2.png" style="max-width:667px"]] **
15 ==== **Action Types** {{id name="action-types"/}} ====
17 Similarly to Notes, Actions are categorised by Action Types. IM has a selection of default Action Types, including;
19 * **Claim Administrator Action**
20 * **Corrective Action**
21 * **Form Request**
22 * **Investigative Action**
23 * **Manager Action**
24 * **Progress Review Action**
26 Most Action Types serve simply as identification and for filtering. Likewise with Notes, you can create your own Action Types & Templates from **SETTINGS ~-~-> Note Types & Templates**.
28 **Form Request** actions are a special kind of action that allows the attachment of system Smart Forms, which require completion by the assigned person for the action to be completed.

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