Dashboard Actions
The Injury Master Dashboard Actions summary shows a list of pending actions that are due for completion. Pending actions come under one of 3 categories, with a bracketed number indicating total pending actions.
- MY ACTIONS – Actions assigned to you
- Orange notification indicates INCOMPLETE actions
- Red notification indicates NEW actions
- MY REQUESTED – Actions you assigned to other users
- OTHER'S ACTIONS – All other actions assigned to other users
Select the heading drop-down arrow to hide or show actions of that category.
Items in the Actions list include the following information:
- Coloured icon tile indicating Action Type
- Orange ‘[ ! ]’ tile indicating High Priority
- Red or green ‘clock’ tile indicating action overdue / not overdue
- Name of worker action relates to
- Action Content (view full description by selecting ...More)
- Name of user action is assigned to (or Unassigned)
Actions can be completed from the Dashboard by selecting Mark Completed from the gear drop-down. Full list of pending actions can be viewed by selecting Show All.
Filtering Actions
Actions can be filtered in the following ways:
- ASSIGNED TO USER - Contact responsible for completion of action
- REQUESTED BY USER - User who created action
- TYPE - Action Type
- OVERDUE (Yes / No)
For further information on Action Types, please refer to Note Types.
Incident / Claim Dashboard Actions
Actions relating to individual Incidents / Claims can also be viewed in the Pending Actions summary of the Incident / Claim Dashboard.
The Pending Actions summary provides a Quick Add button. Selecting this will display the Action Types, from which you can easily add a new action.
Actions in the Incident / Claim Dashboard display the following information:
- Action Content
- Contact assigned
- Form requested (when appropriate)
- Date requested - User requested
- Coloured Status Flags
Some Pending Actions can be completed from the Dashboard by selecting the Mark Completed button as seen above.