
Last modified by MasterApps Support on 2021/06/18 01:29

The Contacts tab contains details of the assigned contacts relevant to the claim including managers, doctors and Return to Work Coordinators. 

Some contact information, such as the workers manager, are required when adding a new claim however others need to be assigned to the claim under the Contacts tab (such as the treating doctor and case manager).

The contacts area for individual claims are linked to the Contacts area, which is found on the Navigation Bar. This is where all the Contacts for all incidents and claims are kept.

These details are used when generating documents in the Generate Documents area. In addition it is useful to have a directory of the details of the relevant contacts as they will likely need to contacted during the life of a claim. 


Contacts Details
A summary of the contact assigned to the claim including type of contact, job title and contact details (email, phone number and address). 

Add Contact

To assign a to a claim already in the system:

  • Select the arrows button next to the text field to produce a pop up containing a list of contacts already in the system, or

  • Begin typing in the text field and a drop down of matching options will appear to select from.


Add a new contact to the Injury Master system and assign to the claim:

  • Select the + button
  • Complete the pop up, as shown below.
    Please note when adding a contact the default setting means the contact will be visible for all states. Select change to assign the contact to specific states. 


This will also be added to the Contacts area (accessed using the navigation bar). 

Edit or Remove Contact

Contact details can be amended using the edit button or remove from the claim using the Remove button under each contacts details.


When the edit button is selected a pop up will appear allowing you to change or add details such as address and contact number. 

This will also update the information in the Contacts area (accessed using the navigation bar). 


Select the remove button to remove the contact from the claim. 
Once a contact has been removed you will then be able to assign a different contact to the claim.