Wiki source code of Injury Action Report

Last modified by MasterApps Support on 2021/06/18 02:16

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1 The Injury Action Report is a summary of current claims showing the status summary and next step actions requiring completion. The purpose of the report is to improve/ensure effective claims management by summarising the claims status including medical certificate and RTW Plan status and highlighting what steps the workers manager and RTW Coordinator should be taking. 
3 [[image:Attachments.WebHome@2015-08-10_17-18-09.b559b.png||style="max-width:313px"]]
5 The Injury Action report shows claims with the following status in the Injury Master System:
7 *. Current hours (in the Injury Masters system) are fewer that the workers pre-injury hours.\\//This is determined by the relevant fields under the Work Status section under the Edit Claim tab or by the medical certificate capacity. //
8 *. Current Work Duties are //Fully Off Work// or //Modified Duties. \\This is determined by the relevant fields under the Work Status section under the Edit Claim tab or by the medical certificate capacity. \\//
9 *. Return to Work Status field is set to //Active// or //Suspended//.
11 **Filter by RTW Coordinator\\**Select the RTW Coordinator from the drop down to view only claims in which the chosen RTW Coordinator is assigned. \\//Please note the chosen RTW Coordinator must be assigned to the claim in the contacts area.//
13 **Output Type**
15 There are multiple Output Types the user can view the report in including HTML, PDF and Excel. The default for the report is HTML. \\
17 [[image:Attachments.WebHome@2015-08-06_10-39-36.8b4fa.png||style="max-width:246px"]]
19 To change the output type of the report select from the drop down on the top right-hand side. Once selected the report will automatically change to the selected output type.